Wait For/Until


Introduction #

Wait commands temporarily pause the execution of a button and wait until a specific action is completed to continue with the rest of the commands.
To prevent the button from being paused indefinitely, you must set up a timeout for all wait commands after which the button execution unpauses even if the action did not complete.
Wait commands are similar to async/await in JavaScript.


Wait Until Variable Exists #

Pauses all the button commands from executing until the specified variable exists.
Similar to async/await in JavaScript. Very useful command to use together with Http Request command.

Box Name Type Description
Variable String Variable name to wait for until it exists
Timeout Number The maximum amount of time in milliseconds to wait before unpausing the commands even if the variable still doesn’t exist (0 will wait forever)


Wait Until Variable Is #

Pauses all the button commands from executing until the variable contains a specific value.
Similar to async/await in JavaScript. Very useful command to use together with Http Request command.

Box Name Type Description
Variable String Variable name to wait for
Compare Dropdown Compare operator you wish to compare the variable to the value.
Value Any Whatever value you want to compare the variable to
Timeout Number The maximum amount of time in milliseconds to wait before unpausing the commands even if the variable doesn’t equal the specified value (0 will wait forever)


Wait For Timeout #

Pauses all the button commands from executing until the specified timer reaches 0.
This way you can delay your commands by using variables (since it’s not otherwise possible to insert variables into Delay parameter fields).

Box Name Type Description
Timeout Number How long to wait in milliseconds before unpausing normal button command flow


Wait For Keyboard Button Status #

Pauses a button execution and waits until a specific button is pressed/unpressed to continue with the rest of the commands.

Box Name Type Description
Button Dropdown Which button to wait for
Press Checkbox Checked = wait until the button is pressed, Unchecked = wait until the button is not pressed
Timeout Number How long to wait until resuming normal command flow (0 will wait forever)


Wait For User Choice #

Pauses a button execution and a pop up message appears for the user letting them select Yes or No. Once the user selects one of the options, it resumes the button execution and continues with the rest of the commands.

Box Name Type Description
Show Message String Popup message to show the user
Save Variable String Variable name to save the result


Wait For User Input #

Pauses a button execution and a pop up message appears for the user asking for their input. Once the user presses OK, it resumes the button execution and continues with the rest of the commands.

Box Name Type Description
Show Message String Popup message to show the user
Default Value String Default value prefilled in the input field
Save Variable String Variable name to save the result