

Pull Source Value #

Pulls the last known value of a source. Will return 0 if the source doesn’t exist.
Very useful command to use together with Motion commands. For example, you can pull the current X and Y position of a source and then use Motion: Source Position to smoothly move it across the screen.

Box Name Type Description
Scene String Scene name containing the source
Source String Source name to pull the value
Variable String Variable name to save the pulled value into
Pull Value Dropdown menu Type of the value you wish to pull
Pull Type Description Possible values
X/Y position Returns X or Y position of the source For example 500
X/Y scale Returns scale of the source that affects its width (X) and height (Y) 1 = 100% scale
Default X/Y Size Returns default size of the source For example 800
Current X/Y Size Returns current size of the source (applies scaling, crop etc.)) For example 600
Crop Left/Top/Right/Bottom Returns current crop values of the source For example 50
Rotation Returns the degree of rotation of the source 0-360
Volume Returns the volume percentage of the source 0-1
Muted Returns boolean value whether the source is muted or not 0 for unmuted and 1 for muted
Visible Returns boolean value whether the source is visible or not 0 for not visible and 1 for visible


Change Visibility #

Changes the visibility of a source.

Box Name Type Description
OBS Dropdown OBS to send this command to (if using multiple OBS)
Scene Name String Scene name containing the source. Select from the menu or type manually. Leave blank for current active scene.
Source Name String Source name. Select from the menu or type manually.
Visible Checkbox Checked = visible, Unchecked = not visible


Change Position #

Changes the position of a source.

Box Name Type Description
OBS Dropdown OBS to send this command to (if using multiple OBS)
Scene Name String Scene name containing the source. Select from the menu or type manually. Leave blank for current active scene.
Source Name String Source name. Select from the menu or type manually.
X Number (optional) X position to set the source to. Can leave blank to not modify it.
Y Number (optional) Y position to set the source to. Can leave blank to not modify it.


Change Scale #

Changes the size of a source.
Use negative values for a horizontal (mirror) or vertical source flip.
The way the source resized is based on source’s positional alignment in OBS (source-Transform-Edit Transform).

The scale factor is relative to a percentage. For example, setting a source to a factor of 2, means it will scale up by 200%.

Box Name Type Description
OBS Dropdown OBS to send this command to (if using multiple OBS)
Scene Name String Scene name containing the source. Select from the menu or type manually. Leave blank for current active scene.
Source Name String Source name. Select from the menu or type manually.
X Scale Real (optional) X Scaling to set the source to. Leave blank to not modify it. 1.0 is 100%.
Y Scale Real (optional) Y Scaling to set the source at. Leave blank to not modify it. 1.0 is 100%.


Change Rotation #

Changes the rotation of a source.
The center point of the rotation is based on the Positional Alignment option (source-Transform-Edit Transform).

Box Name Type Description
OBS Dropdown OBS to send this command to (if using multiple OBS)
Scene String Scene name containing the source. Select from the menu or type manually. Leave blank for current active scene.
Source String Source name. Select from the menu or type manually.
Rotation Number Rotation angle to change the source to. 0 is normal, 180 is upside down, 360 is back normal


Change Volume #

Changes the volume of a source.

Box Name Type Description
OBS Dropdown OBS to send this command to (if using multiple OBS)
Source String Source name. Select from the menu or type manually.
Volume % Number Percentage to set the volume to, between 0 and 1.


Change Center Point #

Changes the positional alignment of a source.\

Box Name Type Description
OBS Dropdown OBS to send this command to (if using multiple OBS)
Scene String Scene name containing the source. Select from the menu or type manually. Leave blank for current active scene.
Source String Source name. Select from the menu or type manually.
Type Dropdown Type of the alignment. Select from the dropdown.


Change Cropping #

Changes the crop settings of a source.

Box Name Type Description
OBS Dropdown OBS to send this command to (if using multiple OBS)
Scene String Scene name containing the source. Select from the menu or type manually. Leave blank for current active scene.
Source String Source name. Select from the menu or type manually.
Left Number Left crop settings.
Top Number Top crop settings.
Right Number Right crop settings.
Bottom Number Bottom crop settings.


Change Text (GDI+) #

Changes the text of a Text GDI+ source.
If you wish to change the text to a value saved in a variable, you need to wrap it: /$variable$/.

Box Name Type Description
OBS Dropdown OBS to send this command to (if using multiple OBS)
Source String Text GDI+ source name
New Text String The new text


Change Text (FT2) #

Changes the text of a Freetype 2 text source.
If you wish to change the text to a value saved in a variable, you need to wrap it: /$variable$/.

Box Name Type Description
OBS Dropdown OBS to send this command to (if using multiple OBS)
Source String Text GDI+ source name
New Text String The new text


Change Settings #

Changes settings of a source. Not to be confused with item transform settings.
Requires the same formatting that is used in the OBS JSON file.
Easy way to see your current source’s settings is to use a Fetch OBS Data command: {"request-type":"GetSourceSettings","sourceName":"YOURSOURCENAME","message-id":"6666"} . Execute it and you will get back a JSON string of the source’s settings. Paste it into a document and extract the particular value you want to use.

Use JSON string validator if you want to make sure your formatting is correct.

Box Name Type Description
OBS Dropdown OBS to send this command to (if using multiple OBS)
Source String Source name to change settings.
Settings JSON String The settings to be included. Formatted as a JSON String. Must be enclosed in {}.
JSON String Description
{"url":""} Change URL of a browser source
{"local_file":"E:/Stream/hello.html"} Change local file path of a browser source
{"file":"E:/Stream/image.png"} Change local file path of an image source
{"playlist": [{"value": "E:/videos/video1.mp4"},{"value": "E:/videos/video2.mkv"}]} Change local file paths for your VLC source. Each {"value":"X"} represents one file.
{"font": {"face": "Arial","flags": 8,"size": 48,"style": "Regular"}} Change font settings of your GDI+ text source. Needs to include all values.


Mute #

Mutes the sound of a source.

Box Name Type Description
OBS Dropdown OBS to send this command to (if using multiple OBS)
Source Name String Source name to be muted. Can be a scene name as well.
Mute Checkbox Checked = mute, Unchecked = unmute


Toggle Mute #

Inverts the mute status of a specified source. If the source was muted, it will be now unmuted and if the source was unmuted, it will be now muted.

Box Name Type Description
OBS Dropdown OBS to send this command to (if using multiple OBS)
Source Name String Source name to be muted or unmuted. Can be a scene name as well.


Audio Monitor Type #

Changes the monitoring type of an audio source.
Same option as in OBS-Audio Mixer-Cogwheel-Advanced Audio Properties.

Box Name Type Description
OBS Dropdown OBS to send this command to (if using multiple OBS)
Source Name String Audio source name
Monitor Type dropdown Type of monitoring to use


Create Source #

Creates a new source and adds it to a scene.
You can pass a JSON string containing the new source’s settings as well.
The source will be added at the top of the list. To reorder it, use a Custom Packet command to send a JSON string containing the new order of all sources in your scene: {"request-type":"ReorderSceneItems","scene":"YOURSCENENAME","items":[{"name":"YOURSOURCENAME1"},{"name":"YOURSOURCENAME2"},{"name":"YOURSOURCENAME3"},{"name":"YOURSOURCENAME4"}(etc.)],"message-id":"6666"} `.

Box Name Type Description
OBS Dropdown OBS to send this command to (if using multiple OBS)
Source Name String Name of the new OBS source
Source Type String Type of the new source. Use the dropdown menu. If you do not see the desired source type (for example for some plugin sources), you should look at the OBS JSON file to figure out the correct value.
Scene String Name of the scene to add the source to.
Settings JSON Source settings. Same format which is used in Source Change Settings command.
Visible Checkbox Whether the source should be set visible upon creation. Checked = visible, Unchecked = not visible


Delete Source #

Deletes a source.
Warning: There’s no way to revert this action.

Box Name Type Description
OBS Dropdown OBS to send this command to (if using multiple OBS)
Scene String Name of the scene the source resides in
Source String Name of the source to delete


Duplicate Source #

Creates a new source and adds it to a scene.
You can pass a JSON string containing the new source’s settings as well.
The source will be added at the top of the list. To reorder it, use a Custom Packet command to send a JSON string containing the new order of all sources in your scene: {"request-type":"ReorderSceneItems","scene":"YOURSCENENAME","items":[{"name":"YOURSOURCENAME1"},{"name":"YOURSOURCENAME2"},{"name":"YOURSOURCENAME3"},{"name":"YOURSOURCENAME4"}(etc.)],"message-id":"6666"} `.

Box Name Type Description
OBS Dropdown OBS to send this command to (if using multiple OBS)
Source Name String Name of the new OBS source
Source Type String Type of the new source. Use the dropdown menu. If you do not see the desired source type (for example for some plugin sources), you should look at the OBS JSON file to figure out the correct value.
Scene String Name of the scene to add the source to.
Settings JSON Source settings. Same format which is used in Source Change Settings command.
Visible Checkbox Whether the source should be set visible upon creation. Checked = visible, Unchecked = not visible